How to add Copy To and Move To buttons to the right-click menu

 Often while using the computer we need to copy or transfer a file from one place to another on the hard disk, whether transferring a file from Partition "D" to Partition "C" on the desktop, or from the flash drive to the hard drive. When you want to, you have to select the file and right click to get the option "Copy" for copying and "Cut" for transfer, select the appropriate option and then go to the folder you want to add it to. The problem with this method is that it is difficult when it comes to copying or moving multiple files from different folders, so you will find that it is impractical and wastes a lot of time. In this case, the "Send to" option is usually used to make the command smooth and fast, as you specify the location from the submenu and a shortcut to the specified files is created immediately in the specified location. But the shortcuts don't always work, as the original copy must be stored on the same hard d

How to Add all the power options to the right-click menu in Windows

 Windows systems that are most popular among users always provide many different settings and ways to do the same tasks, either through the user interface or through keyboard shortcuts, for example, and by talking about the power options responsible for shutting down or restarting the computer and many other options, you will find The ability to do this via the "Start" menu or through the task manager or the keyboard shortcut "ALT + F4", but sometimes you may encounter a problem in one of these methods, such as the "Start" menu, which is sometimes slow to respond, and some do not prefer Use shortcuts So what about being able to do this by pressing the right mouse button or "Right Click" in a minimal number of steps? If you want to do this you can follow this article.

Fortunately, as is the case with the Windows system, you can modify some of the default things in the system through what is called "Windows Registry", in short, it is a set of values that only the system understands and that determine some of the things and default settings used by the system, and therefore by modifying some of those values " The right way "You can customize some of the default options in the system to suit your usage.

But before explaining how to do the thing, we must note that you will be able to do this by pressing the right mouse button on the desktop only and not inside the system folders, and that when you click on any of these options, that command will be executed directly without confirmation messages. For example, when you press the "Shutdown" option, the computer will be closed immediately without any messages appearing to confirm that this command has been done. Therefore, be very careful as you will not be able to undo the matter if you click on one of the options by mistake.

The command is simple. To add basic power options such as "Shutdown" and "Restart", all you have to do is open a new file using the famous Windows "notepad" program and then copy the following codes and paste them directly into this file, then save the file with any name you want. Provided that the extension ".reg" is written at the end of the file name to save it as a registry key, then press the "Save" option:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Power Menu]

"MUIVerb"="Power Options"







@="Shutdown -r -f -t 00"


@="Shut Down"


@="Shutdown -s -f -t 00"

After saving the file, go to the save location and open the file by double clicking with the left button of the mouse, then pressing the "Yes" options and then "OK" with the confirmation messages. After completion, you can right-click the mouse on the desktop and you will find a new addition menu in the Click menu On the right is called "Power Options" and through it you will find the options "Shutdown" and "Restart" added.

And in case you want to delete that list for any reason, in the same way, open a new file using the famous "notepad" program in Windows, then copy the following codes and paste them directly into this file, then save the file with any name you want, provided that the extension ".reg" is written at the end File name to save it as a registry key, then click on the "Save" option:

[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Power Menu]



And to add all the other power options such as "Log off" or "Switch User" or "sleep" and many other useful options, you can download the registry file completely from the following link, where after downloading the folder and decompressing, you will find a file named "All Power Options" After opening the file and then clicking with the left mouse button on the desktop, you will find adding a new menu on the right click menu called "Power Options" and through it you will find adding all available power options, including "Shutdown" and "Restart". Also inside the folder you will find another file named "Remove Power Options" By opening that file, as we did with the previous steps, you will be able to completely remove the list of power shortcuts in case you want to get rid of it at any time.


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